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Chinese translation for "mapping accuracy"


Related Translations:
map accuracy:  地图精度
profile accuracy:  齿廓精度齿形精度
statical accuracy:  静态准确度
distance accuracy:  测距精度航程精度距离精度
positional accuracy:  点位精度定位精度定位准确度位置精度
working accuracy:  工作精度加工精度
levelling accuracy:  测平精度
accuracy contours:  等精度线
accuracy rating:  标称准确度额定准确度精度标称值精度等级/精确度精度级精确度限准确率
cutting accuracy:  锯断精度
Example Sentences:
1.The mapping accuracy of satellite imagery block adjustment
2.Mapping accuracy to less than 2 pixels in xy - plane and 4 pixels in height can be achieved for plain operators
3.Because the elevation data we have acquired through gps is too variable to satisfy the mapping accuracy requirement the elevation value is solved by the water lever observation in the hydrology station and datum horizon correction of sounding observation
Similar Words:
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